We are happy to introduce the latest release of Sportal365 CMS – version 3.19.0

Release 3.19.0. of the Sportal365 content management system is here and it brings several new features and upgrades to old ones.

With this latest update, we’ve taken a step further to increase the efficiency of content creators and better the experience for content consumers. We’ve focused on improving the content previewing options inside the CMS, enhancing the translation functions, and updating the overall work experience with the platform.

Here’s what’s new.


  • Preview of videos inside posts
  • Quick access to daily created content
  • Preview of embedded content
  • Detailed tournament translations

Preview of videos inside posts

One of the first upgrades we are happy to introduce with release 3.19.0. is to the video blocks inside Articles / Videos / Galleries.  Now, when you add a video block to the body of a post, you can preview it inside the CMS.

This video preview feature lets you check if the video you want to add to the body of your Article / Video / Gallery works before you upload it to your website.

Quick access to daily created content

As you know, we are all about making the experience of creators with Sportl365 as easy and efficient as possible.

That’s why with this latest update, we introduce a shortcut that lets users access–straight from their dashboard–all the Articles / Videos / Galleries they have created in the last 12 hours.

To access My content simply open your Sportal365 Dashboard.

And, well, that’s it.

Preview of embedded content

To be able to preview the content of an Embed code block inside the CMS is a great feature because creators can examine if the social media / video they want to add to their post works; before publishing it online for everyone to see.

You can preview Social or Video embedded content. If you select the Social option, you can embed code from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. In case you select the Video option, you can embed content from YouTube and Vimeo.

Detailed tournament translations

Translations is an already familiar feature designed to improve the quality of your copy, and save creators time when they translate from English to another language the names of coaches, venues, tournaments, teams, players, and so on.

With release 3.19.0., we’ve added an improvement to the translation of tournament-related data. We’ve added a Season box, which lets creators access and translate information for all teams from a certain season.

Moreover, we have added a new module with translation options for each team, so that creators can enjoy detailed info without leaving the page.

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