We are happy to introduce the latest release, 3.9.0., of the Sportal365 content management system. With this version of the CMS, we introduce new features that will improve the quality and speed with which your team creates content.
As part of update 3.9.0., we roll out an integration with Dugout, for an unlimited number of football videos that you can use in your posts. Also, from now on editors and journalists will be able to accurately translate football data with a built into the CMS translations feature, and offer detailed match statistics with a new match listing widget.
New features:
- Dugout integration
- Translations
- Match list by stage/round widget
Dugout Integration
The integration with Dugout, a platform with unmatched access to videos from the world’s top clubs, makes possible finding and adding football videos to your posts without leaving your editing screen.
After you configure Dugout, you can add videos as supporting content or as main media of your post.
Adding Dugout video as supporting content
To add a Dugout video as supporting content, you need to add a Dugout video block to the body of your post:
- Open an article, video, or gallery.
- Go to the body and select + icon to add a video block.
- From the menu choose Content > Dugout video
- When the block opens, select the language you want to conduct your search in.
- Then, search by player, team, tournament, and so on for the video you want to add. For example, type “Messi” or “Manchester United”.
- A list of all videos with Lionel Messi (or Manchester United) will appear. To add the video you want, hover over it and select the + that will appear.
- When done, select Save block.
Translations is a new feature designed to improve the quality of your copy, and save creators time when they translate from English to another language the names of coaches, venues, tournaments, teams, and players.
Translations lets you accurately translate from English to Bulgarian, Romanian (more languages will be added with new updates).
Match list by stage/round
With release 3.9.0. we introduce the Match list by stage/round widget that will help you integrate detailed information about a specific match into your posts.
This new widget groups matches by tournaments, seasons, rounds, stages, and filters them by dates. Also, you can add odds from different bookmakers, as well as change the widget view–horizontal/vertical–and position it in different places on your page.